Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pre-Departure Reflections and Images

    I'm testing my blog abilities: posting and photo-fluency. It will all become quite a bit more difficult as I enter the land of "power cuts", limited internet acces and glacial computer speeds. So I need to bolster my confidence. All this techno stuff is tough for one who just recently (and with a daughter's help) learned how to change the image on his facebook profile. Alas.
So here are some photos of highlights of my last trip to Uganda, where I met fabulous friends that I will revisit, a beautiful city (Kabale) that I will reinhabit, and novelty that I relish.


  1. I am so excited for you to go on this trip as I know you are going to have a wonderful time! I am thinking of going in September...we'll have to talk. Maybe I'll see you Sunday at Davies' Birthday get together. We've got a Wells Fargo horse that is dying to belong to a small Ugandan child (we want a photo of them together of course!)

  2. Nice work Dad! The pictures look great. See, you are a getting blog-savvier by the minute!

  3. You are learning!!!!!good work Solana! Animo Jon, You will make us happy with your stories.
